A Day at School


School Hours

  • Arrival time: 8:30 am to 8:50 am
  • Classes commence: 8:55 am
  • Morning interval: 11.00 am to 11:20 am
  • Lunch: 1.00 pm to 1:45 pm
  • Classes finish: 2:45 pm
  • Office hours: 8:30 am to 3.45 pm
It is important that children arrive at school some time before class starts. This gives them a chance to get settled and catch up with their friends before class begins.
Teachers also often go over important information and talk about aspects of the day’s programme right at the start of class. Your child will miss this information if late.
Please Note: Children are not permitted in classrooms before 8:30 am.

Essentials to Bring

  • Sun hat
  • Sun block
  • Medication if required (should be held at office)
  • Sunglasses (optional)
  • Book bag and stationery
  • Morning tea and lunch​
  • Complete change of clothes (including underwear)
  • Shoes (sturdy, fastened by zip or velcro)

Please ensure all your child’s things including their stationery, the clothes they wear and change of clothes are named.

Sturdy shoes are essential during play time and sport and they are especially important if we have to leave the school premises in an emergency situation. So please ensure your child has a pair of shoes with them that doesn’t fall of the foot and can handle rough play.

Nut Allergy Advice although we do not have a restriction on nuts or products that may contain nuts, we ask that you take into consideration our children that do have allergies when preparing your child’s lunch.

Coming and Going

School Pedestrian Crossing – Patrol
The School Pedestrian crossing is patrolled
  • 8.30 am to 8.55 am each morning by students with the supervision of parents
  • 2.45 pm by teaching staff.
Any parent/caregiver able to assist with patrolling the crossing please contact the Principal.
Dropping-Off/Collecting Your Child
During drop-off and collection times the school area can get quite congested.
If possible, please drop off and collect children in Areas 8 to 14 from Nukumea Common, or arrange to drop them off or collect them from areas away from the school gate.
Transport to and From School 
North of Hatfields Bridge: Free bus service, also used by Orewa College.
Hatfields Beach area: Fare paying service.
Departs Hatfields at 8.20 am, departs School at 3.25 pm.
Cycling to School
Students are permitted to cycle to School as long as they follow these rules:
  • they are responsible road users
  • they wear cycle helmets.

Common Sense Behaviour

The main focus of the School Behaviour Management Programme is to assist children to develop the responsibility to make the appropriate choice.

The number one rule is ‘Think and Use Common Sense’.

We do however put in place a few requirements that in most cases ensure safety for all children. These include:
  • only use the pedestrian crossing to get to the other side of Centreway Road
  • walk (not run) around all school buildings and corners
  • watches and ear studs only, no jewellery needed at school
  • Hats to be worn outside in Terms 1 and 4


The Board of Trustees is responsible for keeping records of children attending school whenever it is open, unless they are sick or absent for a valid reason. This helps to ensure children are safe and sound where they need to be on any given day.

If your child will be absent please inform the school between 8am – 9am, phone 09-426 4849, or use the school app. Provide the child’s name, area and the reason for the absence.

After roll check in each room, at the start of the day, the names of all absent children are sent to the office electronically. Staff will contact the parents/caregiver of any student unaccounted for to check the reason for absence using the contact details provided.

It is important for this reason that parents/caregivers keep the school up-to-date with changes of address, phone numbers and alternative contact people. It is essential that parents/caregivers have a working message system so we can leave a message for you if we can’t reach you personally.

Fees and Donations

Fees and Donations:

In 2025 our school has opted into the Government Donation Scheme. This means there are no fees or donations to be paid.

Accidents or Sickness at School

While every care is taken, accidents do happen from time to time.

Minor accidents are treated in the School Medical Room. Where the injury is more serious, or a child becomes ill at school the parents will be informed.

It is important for this reason that parents/caregivers keep the school up-to-date with changes of address, phone numbers and alternative contact people. It is essential that parents/caregivers have a working message system so we can leave a message for you if we can’t reach you personally.

Special Activities - Trips

Special activities are organised from time to time. A notice will be sent home with a permission slip attached, a request for a donation and parent helpers.
You can find information about these activities
  • in the school newsletter
  • in a notice including a permission slip with payment and help request. These notices are sent home.
Please ensure to check your child’s school bag daily for notices. Please read notices carefully, then complete and return permission slips promptly with any required payment and indicate if you can be a helper. A prompt reply is vital to enable teachers to organise everything timely and smoothly.

Behaviour Management

At the class, team and school level, systems are developed that reward appropriate behaviour and provide for steps to deal with inappropriate behaviour. These steps wiIl involve parents for those who continually behave inappropriately.

Concerns of Parents
If parents/caregivers have concerns about aspects of their child’s learning or behaviour, they should contact the School to make an appointment with the class teacher. Early intervention or awareness can make things much easier for all concerned. We also will contact parents when we have a concern.

Damage to School Property
If children cause damage to School property due to carelessness or disregard for School requirements, it is School policy that parents/caregivers are advised and payment of costs is met by them. We seek parents/caregivers co-operation in making pupils responsible for their actions.


Each family will receive a copy of a fortnightly newsletter on a Monday via email. Where the school doesn’t have an email address, students or parents can pick up a copy of the newsletter from the office.​​

At the end of each school year or at your child’s enrolment visit, you will receive instructions on what stationery they require and where to order stationery from. Stationery can be purchased online using the following link; https://schoolpacks.co.nz/orewa-beach-school/

Stationery for New Entrants can be purchased online, All new entrants will require a Kereru Stationery Pack, please see link; https://schoolpacks.co.nz/orewa-beach-school/


Stationery for new students can be purchased online, please see link; https://schoolpacks.co.nz/orewa-beach-school/

Throughout the year replacements of exercise books, pads, pens and pencils etc. can be purchased through the office between 8:30 am and 4:00 pm.

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