

As a signatory to the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students, Orewa Beach School welcomes International Students into our high-standard learning programmes. All International students are accommodated in a mainstream class where they will receive extra in-class support.

All international students must live with a parent in New Zealand to study at Orewa Beach School.


Please contact our Agent;
Company name: Oceania Cultural Consulting Ltd –  Tina_WeChat QR Code
Contact person’s name: Tina Liu Phone: 09 488 6668 – 021 189 1553

Web: www.oceaniacc.co.nz/ Email: tina@oceaniacc.co.nz  


Requirements for International Student Enrolment

To enrol as an international student, you will require:

  • a completed enrolment form
  • a copy of passports and visa pages
  • proof of medical and travel insurance
  • payment of school fees

Once you have completed an enrolment form for your child, the school will provide an acceptance letter and invoice for your school fee payment.

Click here to download a 2025 International Student Guide

Please email office@orewabeach.school.nz to enquire about enrolment.



Full details of visa and permit requirements, advice on rights to employment in New Zealand while studying and reporting requirements are available through the New Zealand Immigration Service, and can be viewed on their website at www.immigration.govt.nz


Health & Travel

Most students are not entitled to publicly funded health services while in New Zealand. We require that all International Students have insurance that will cover the cost of medical treatment for the duration of their stay in New Zealand. Travel Insurance is also required to cover travel to and from New Zealand. It is recommended that this be taken out in New Zealand. Proof of Medical Insurance cover must be sighted by the school prior to commencement of study. For students wishing to study at Orewa Beach School, the school can arrange health insurance at a competitive rate.

Orewa Beach School Policies

Our school policies can be viewed on the School Docs website:


Login:   orewanorth

Password:   4849


Useful Links

What visa is required? ImmigrationNZ
Medical Insurance: Southern Cross
Travel Insurance: Orbit Protection